ISF Profile

ISF  – Institute for the Certification of Trade Fair Statistical Data – was created by the associations representing the Italian trade fair system (AEFI – Association of Italian Trade Fair Exhibitions, CFI – Industrial Trade Fair Committee, CFT/Assomostre – Specialised Trade Fair Associations) and by Unioncamere (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce) to provide answers to the demand for certainty in data on the trade fair events disseminated in Italy and worldwide.

ISF was established in 2005, in accordance with the indications of the Programme Directive on the determination of data collection and certification systems for trade fair events, approved by the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces on 16 December 2004 not unlike similar actions implemented in other countries. In September of the same year, the institute was authorised to provide survey and certification activities by the Italian Trade Fair System Observatory.

Following changes in national and international regulations, ISF becameĀ ISFCERT and obtained ACCREDIA accreditation as a certifying body for trade fair data according to the criteria set by the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

ISFCERT is a certifying body authorised to certify trade fair data in accordance with the convention signed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development with the AEFI, CFI and CFT.
