With the initial session dedicated to Veneto Trade Fairs on “Trade fair communication in the digital era. How to develop skills to promote your services and events online and offline”, Padua saw the beginning of the AEFI’s training programme dedicated to digital issues.

Training is a constant in the AEFI’s activity. To keep pace with developments, be competitive and exploit the opportunities offered by the world of digital, it’s essential for Trade Fairs to be kept up to date on how communication tools to support exhibitions are evolving.

The course, lasting 30 hours, divided into five days, offers members a series of in-depth information on what impact new media are having on the way in which trade fairs manage communication to exhibitors and visitors, how technology can be a competitive advantage and a genuine value added for the exhibitions and companies that take part in them.

Thanks to the contributions of experts, at the end of the course each member will have developed the competence to understand:

  • what can make communication effective offline and online
  • the particular characteristics of a winning message and how to transfer them effectively to the web or to graphics
  • the essential elements in creating a publishing plan
  • the characteristics of communication on the various social media channels
  • the technicalities and techniques for promoting live events thanks to real-time marketing tools
  • how to share news, your own and/or others’ events and expand contacts in new channels.

After Padua, the course dedicated to Veneto Trade Fairs will continue on 27 April, 4 May, 11 May and 18 May.

On Tuesday, 2 May, on the other hand, the course at BolognaFiere will take place in various sessions scheduled for subsequent Tuesdays, 9, 16 and 30 May and 6 June.

AEFI – Associazione Esposizioni e Fiere Italiane, a private non-profit Association, was established in 1983 with the goal of generating synergies between the most important Italian exhibition districts. More specifically, AEFI would like to be seen as a privileged partner for operators and institutions alike, and its role is to support members through the development of activities and programmes in the sphere of training, marketing, promotion and research, as well as to provide services for trade fairs through the activities of its Committees: Exhibition Hub Technical Committee, Legal-Administrative Committee, Internationalisation Committee and Trade Fairs Network Committee.
On an international scale, AEFI represents Italian trade fairs in UFI – Union of International Fairs. Chaired by Ettore Riello, AEFI includes 35 member exhibition districts, which organise over 1,000 events a year over an overall exhibition area of 4.2 million square metres. 95% of international trade fairs, and 85% of all trade fairs, which take place each year in Italy, are held in AEFI-member exhibition districts.
