For Global Exhibitions Day 2017 AEFI and the Italian Trade Agency presented VIDEO STORYTELLING OF THE VALUES OF ITALIAN EXHIBITIONS

Video storytelling to represent the specific qualities of the entire trade fair sector that brings the excellence of Italian businesses to the world and contributes to our country’s economic development.

The thrill of the unique history, people, areas and products made in Italy with respect to the world takes the spotlight in the video that opened Global Exhibitions Day 2017 and the “Exhibitions and Italian Excellence between History and Future” conference, organised by AEFI – Italian Exhibition and Trade Fair Association in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency.

In a captivating succession of images, the video goes over the values of Italian exhibitions: the expertise and ability of yesterday and today forge our history; experience and collective effort join people; unique characteristics and particular local qualities make up an extraordinary land; ideas and events assume concrete form in products that are famous worldwide with a single, great aim: building a fantastic future day after day.

The video was produced by Facci & Pollini in Italian and English and is online in the YouTube channel at the following link:


AEFI – Associazione Esposizioni e Fiere Italiane, a private non-profit Association, was established in 1983 with the goal of generating synergies between the most important Italian exhibition districts. AEFI would like to be seen as a privileged partner for operators and institutions alike, and its role is to support members through the development of activities and programmes in the sphere of training, marketing, promotion and research, as well as to provide services for trade fairs through the activities of its Committees: Exhibition Hub Technical Committee, Legal-Administrative Committee, Internationalisation Committee and Trade Fairs Network Committee.
On the internationalization front, AEFI supports members thanks to agreements with strategic markets. AEFI, together with CFI-Confindustria, CFT-Confcommercio and Unioncamere, has promoted the foundation of ISFCert, the Certification Institute for Exhibition Industry Statistics which, through rigorous methodologies, enables Italian organisers to present and recognise standardised data, in the name of transparency and reliability.
AEFI represents Italian trade fairs in UFI – Union of International Fairs. Chaired by Ettore Riello, AEFI includes 35 member exhibition districts, which organise over 1,000 events a year over an overall exhibition area of 4.2 million square metres. 95% of international trade fairs, and 85% of all trade fairs, which take place each year in Italy, are held in AEFI-member exhibition districts.

The Italian Trade Agency, for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies, has been operating since 1926 with the remit of facilitating, developing and promoting Italian economic and trade relations with other countries, with particular attention to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Through its Rome office, Milan office and worldwide network – currently comprising 65 Offices and 14 Business Units – the Agency provides information, support and promotion to businesses and institutions and training to businesses and young graduates, supporting cooperation in the industrial, agricultural, agri-food, distribution and service sectors.
To provide the greatest boost to the image of Italian products worldwide and Italy as a destination for foreign investment, ICE-Agenzia operates abroad within Italian Diplomatic Representation and within Italy in close collaboration with regions, chambers of commerce and business organizations, ensuring coordinated support to businesses and national networks engaged in the process of internationalization. The Agency carries out its activity according to the guidelines and strategic direction of the institutional Steering Committee.
